Monday, June 18, 2007

Weekend in Scotland Day 11 & 12

Day 11

Scotland here we come! When we finally arrived in Scotland we quickly found out that we didn’t bring enough clothes… it was freezing! Cold and wet! Muhammad (our taxi driver/ house keeper/ host) picked us up from the train station 30 minutes late and checked us into our lovely hostel. Then we all went out to dinner. It was the most amazing, flavorful meal I have ever eaten! Then a couple of us, on our trek to Edinburgh Castle, stopped at every Thrift Store along the way. It was such an adventure!

Our lovely, or not so lovely, Hostel. This is their official sign, it was hanging in the window....

This is our friend from Norway. We woke up to him and Zack singing in the Hall, waiting in line for the bathroom.

This is Edinburgh Castle.

Day 12

Well the plan was to go to a castle on the coast of Scotland but it turns out that after the three train ride there we figured out there wasn’t anytime. So, we hopped back on the train to London. Very Eventful! Luckily we got to see the beach for a minute.

At least I can say I went to Scotland!

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